Clients IRPANET Systems was founded in 1993 and has provided customers IT Services related to : 
  • Professional Staffing
  • Application Architecture Design and Development (Client Server / Internet)
  • Infrastructure Architecture Design and Implementation
  • Project Management , and
  • Offshore Application Development
Our strength lies in the fact that we have developers, engineers and architects who screen each staff member before we recommend them to our customers or utilize their skills on our projects. Our management team is comprised of Senior Delivery Directors and Technical Architects who have had over 100 years of combined IT experience in successfully delivering small, medium and large scale Systems Integration Projects. Our Management clearly understand the daily challenges that IT Management have to work with in the Corporate World. 

We strongly believe that our company's growth is directly attributed to the growth of our customers and staff. This is why we practice quality customer service. Our business engagements have been very flexible towards the needs of our staff and customers. Our growth has primarily been attributed to the word-off-mouth referrals that we have received both from our customer and our staff due to our success in delivering on-time and high-quality projects and consultants.

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